Tutorial schedule!

This might not have occurred to some of you, but I do other things than this tutorial site (haven’t seen any yet but I expect someone to say this site is dead in a few days…). I plan to post tutorials every weekend, but no promises. Sometimes life is in the way of publishing a new tutorial. There is one other problem, currently I don’t have many ideas for tutorials. If you do please reply here and if I think it’s a good and feasible idea for a tutorial I will probably make it (again no promises).

Preparing your 3DS!

Though it is entirely possible to develop homebrew for the 3DS without actually testing it on the 3DS, it is not very wise. The emulators that exist right now are to far from perfect to expect the results in the emulator to be the same as those on actual hardware. This tutorial will teach you how to get any homebrew including your own to run on your 3DS.

Continue reading “Preparing your 3DS!”